The Document Share feature is a great way to upload a file or presentation for others to view and download. But what if you accidentally upload the wrong document, or perhaps others are uploading files that you, as the host, would rather not be visible?

You can easily manage this now, as you can delete a document at any time. Just ensure that you are logged into your account when you join your meeting so that you have host privileges enabled. In the 'Chat' box on the bottom right hand side of your Meeting Room, you will now see the option to 'Delete' a file by selecting the trash can.  If the document is still being presented, be aware that you will first need to click on 'Stop Presenting' before you can remove the file.

Note that you can also prevent anyone from sharing anything in the Chat box other than a moderator and/or registered user by choosing the relevant option. ie chat with moderators only, public and or public/private chat.