Here at, we work hard every day to make your meetings a success. (Well, most of us work hard every day. Tim in Marketing always says he’s very busy but really everyone knows he does nothing.) Even with the latest in conference technology and streamlined communication tools, there is still one final element that we have not been able to improve: you. Despite our best efforts, we could not make you interesting. Until now.
If you’re reading this you have likely been guided to this page, possibly from a friend, relative or concerned coworker, for us to deliver a hard truth: Your conferences are boring.
That is why we at are proud to present our latest how-to article to help ensure your next conference isn’t a snooze.
How to not be Boring
To start, please note that we cannot make you completely not boring. If you are one of those insufferably boring people (like Tim in Marketing) you are most likely very aware of the fact. People avoid you at parties. They groan when it’s your turn to speak in meetings. They give you nicknames like “fun wrecker”, “the early lunch”, “Mobster Al Ca-boring” or “Gandalf the Beige”.
But: If you follow our guide exactly, we can offer a guarantee to make you less boring at conferences at least 37% of the time, every time.
How to be less boring
Have you got a really good fishing story? Don’t tell it. There is only one good place to tell a fishing story and that is while in a fishing boat. Mostly because your audience is trapped on a boat and has no choice but to listen.
Always plan out what you are going to say. There has never been a great speech that was improvised. Maybe that one Al Pacino did at the end of Any Given Sunday to inspire his football team to win the championship. That was pretty good. You are not Al Pacino.
Never open with a joke. You're not very good at telling jokes. If you were you would not be reading this.
Don’t picture your audience in their underwear. This has nothing to do with being less boring, it’s just super creepy and bad advice. Don’t do it.
Avoid acronyms. While every business community has its own expressions and terminology, the use of acronyms can leave people confused and unengaged. Say all the words or STFU.
Be brief. Even if you have a lot to say, find a way to say it quickly. Not sure you can be brief? Here’s a trick. Write a 5-minute speech, then add one minute for every time you left a meeting and someone said “wow I really wish that meeting had been longer”. Then deliver your 5-minute speech.
Don’t patronize the stupid people listening to you. To patronize means to talk down to someone.
Stay on topic. Some people get distracted while they are speaking (Tim from Marketing). They forget that other people are very busy and need to get back to cleaning up the mistakes of their co-workers. (Tim from Marketing.) Some people will even find themselves saying things like “I don’t want to go off on a tangent here but...” (If you don’t want to, Tim. Then don’t. You’re the one speaking, Tim.) Which leads me to my next point...
Use point form notes to keep you on track. That way you don’t start telling a long and pointless story about how you took a marketing book on your vacation. (Everyone knows you’re just kissing up to the boss, Tim.) Also, it’s a good idea to ask your audience to save their questions to the end.
Was this article helpful? If yes, then you may enjoy another article called “What to do if you think the presenter is picturing you in your underwear.”
Written by Jeremy